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Our Vision & Ethos

                                                        Everybody Counts At Our School.                                                       We learn together, play together, achieve together. 

Vision Statement:

Academy Vision:

 ‘Everyone Counts At Our School’

The Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)

The parable of the lost coin reflects our motto that everyone counts at our school: We Learn Together, Play Together and Achieve Together.


St. Michael’s Church of England Academy Vision Explained:

Our vision means that we value and respect everyone in our school community and provide support to ensure no-one is ‘left behind’, just like the lost coin.

Our aim is to provide each child with a happy, caring, stimulating and disciplined environment in which they can develop fully; intellectually, spiritually, morally, socially, physically and emotionally.

 We want to foster our children’s self-esteem enabling them all to achieve their potential. We focus on literacy and numeracy skills to ensure our all children can access their learning and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

We ensure all children are given equal regard, have equal access to learning opportunities and promote the ethos of Christian values within the spirit of the Church of England.

Our school values reflect our vision through teaching about and providing lived experiences of respect, friendship, forgiveness, trust, compassion, perseverance, justice, thankfulness, service, generosity, truthfulness and courage.

Ethos Statement:
We recognise our history as a church school and will continue to maintain and develop our religious character, following the principles of the Church of England.
We work in partnership with our community, including parents, our parish church and the Diocese of Norwich, to provide high quality education, with emphasis on Christian beliefs, for all pupils.
We encourage understanding of faith and promote Christian values through the experiences we
provide for all pupils.

What are our aims?
To foster the children’s self esteem and to enable them all to achieve their potential.
To ensure all children are given equal regard and have equal access to learning opportunities.
To promote the ethos of Christian values, within the spirit of the teaching of the Church of England.
To develop an environment in which children are made aware of their rights and responsibilities.
To develop effective links between school, home, church and the local community.
To ensure that all adults in school set an appropriate example by their care and consideration for
others, language and behaviour.
To provide for each child:

  • A happy, caring, stimulating and disciplined environment in which they can develop fully,
    intellectually, spiritually, morally, socially, physically, and emotionally.
  • An education that is broad, balanced and relevant to their needs whilst ensuring that reading,writing and Maths skills are centrally placed.
  • An environment which reflects our safeguarding policy and procedures
  • To encourage the Children
  • To develop self- discipline and to take increased responsibility for their own behaviour and
    learning, developing independence..
  • To be considerate, tolerant and understanding of the values, feelings and beliefs of others,
    enabling them to become responsible members of our multi-cultural, changing society. 

 We offer a broad and enriching curriculum which provides exciting opportunities for children to learn, develop and enhance their basic skills.