Telephone 01553 772420


Class Information

At St Michael's we are a one form entry school with 7 classes ranging from Reception to Year 6. Each class has a Qualified Teacher and HLTA and/or a Teaching Assistant. Our classrooms are bright and engaging for children and we make use of interactive whiteboards for learning. To manage behaviour we use a Going for Green card system (please see pages 3 to 7 of our Behaviour Policy for more information).

We have an open door policy for parents and regularly send out invites for reading/maths cafes and assemblies.

Please see our School Brochure for more information.

Penguins Year R

Year R class timetable Autumn Term

Year R class overview Autumn Term

Puffins Year 1

 Year 1 class timetable Autumn Term

Year 1 class overview Autumn Term

Robins Year 2

Year 2 class timetable Autumn Term

Year 2 class overview Autumn Term

Magpies Year 3

 Year 3 class timetable Autumn term

Year 3 Class overview Autumn Term

Kestrels Year 4

Year 4 class timetable Autumn Term

Year 4 class overview Autumn Term

Eagles Year 5

Year 5 class timetable Autumn Term

Year 5 class overview Autumn Term

Kingfighers Year 6

Year 6 class timetable Autumn Term

Year 6 class overview Autumn Term