Family Support Worker
Helen Spencer - Family Support Worker
You can contact Helen in the following ways:
Phone: 01553 772420
In school: Helen is usually in school Tuesday - Friday.
Helen can help in the following ways -
- Meetings with parents to identify problems and possible solutions.
- Helping families to receive all benefits and help, they are entitled to.
- Support with referrals to other agencies, e.g bereavement support and health professionals including mental health.
- 1:1 appointments with parents to support with: debt, housing issues, children’s behaviour, drug and alcohol abuse, support to attend medical appts, poor attendance and persistent lateness to name but a few.
- Help prevent a problem from becoming more difficult.
- Encouraging parents to make good relationships with the school.
- Be a listening ear.
- Run parenting courses.
- First appointments will be in school after that they can be either in school or in the family home.