Governors Pen Portraits
Governors Pen Portraits
Emma Scarisbrick, Headteacher
I have been Head teacher at St. Michael’s Academy since September 2015. I am passionate about education for all and want to ensure all our children feel happy and safe in school and grow to reach their potential. As part of the Governing Body, I provide key information to Governors and am accountable to them for the effectiveness of the school. I am a member of the Resources, Standards and Curriculum and the Ethos committee. I have responsibilities for safeguarding, evaluating the effectiveness of the school and developing the single change plan (improvement plan). I feedback to the Governing body termly by way of a Headteacher’s report. I am lucky to work with a supportive Governing Body who are keen to help the school improve and grow.
Rebekah Smithee, Deputy Head/Staff Governor
I have been a teacher for 11 years and Deputy Head for 5 years. I am proud to be part of this team here at St Michael’s as all staff are hardworking & dedicated in continuing to move the school forward. As staff governor, I am ambitious in supporting staff with their continuous efforts to provide the children with the best learning opportunities. As a parent myself, I understand the importance of a positive and happy start to children’s education.
I have been Staff governor for 2 years now. I am part of the Standards and Curriculum Committee.
Bruce Gordon, Chair of Governors
I am an experienced school governor and spent ten years supporting the primary school my children attended. I now work for the Diocese of Norwich education support company to support local governing boards within their academies. In my working life, I spent over thirty years working on and supporting, the restorations of vintage aircraft. I am married with three children. I am trustee with the Evolution Academy Trust
Jeanette Nowrung, Appointed Governor
I have lived and worked in West Norfolk for a number of years during which time I have always sort to be actively involved in supporting the wider community using the skills and knowledge that I have acquired during my professional life in the NHS and Early Education. I have almost 30 years’ experience of leading and managing community run Early Years settings whereby the needs and requirements of the children and families has been at the core of the ethos and service provided. Indeed my personal philosophy is that every child is unique and as such they deserve to be valued as such and offered high quality learning experiences with an appropriate emphasis on holistic development and well-being.
Dr Laura Worsley, Appointed Governor
I have worked in education for nearly 25 years at various levels, such as primary or secondary schools or in universities and very happy to be part of vibrant, enthusiastic, and thriving learning communities. I have had also experience as a Local Authority governor, Chair of governors and a parent governor in a village primary school in Surrey. As a parent of four children, who have gone through the education system, I am very aware of, and interested in equality, inclusivity, safeguarding, creativity and achievement.
I also work as Deputy Chief examiner responsible for Art History for the global International Baccalaureate organisation. Also, I am a Churchwarden for my local village parish in Norfolk.
I am a new governor at the School and looking forward to meeting you all.
Father Adrian Ling - Appointed Governor
Father Adrian Ling is the Rector of All Saints’ South Lynn and St Peter’s West Lynn. He is an Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral and Chaplain to the Mayor. He has been involved with St Michael’s for 10 years, leads collective worship and School Mass and is Chair of the Ethos and Community Committee. He is keen to encourage community events, such as the popular ‘South Lynn Big Bash’ held at the school.
Beverly Tilman
I have had a lengthy career largely in the Financial Services sector initially within Lloyd’s TSB Group and later within the Lloyd’s of London insurance market before retiring early and relocating to Norfolk in 2023. During my working life I have operated up to Board and executive level in regulated commercial environments with responsibility for large multi-site insurance operations.
A mother of two, I have a passion for education and the vital part that it plays in setting all children on the right path for the future. Since relocating I have already been working as a school governor at 2 other schools locally, I am mentoring disadvantaged young people, and providing voluntary consultancy services for an alternative education provider. It is a privilege to join St Michael’s governing body and support staff, pupils, parents and the local community.
Gareth Evans
I am a dad to two children at the school and have lived in King's Lynn for over 10 years. I am passionate about providing our children with the best possible education so that each individual can reach their full potential. I firmly believe that the early years of education sets the foundations for a child's future and I look forward to assisting the school in any way that I can, to achieve this.